Easy Italian Online

Italian Plus Literature

This group course introduces an Italian author as a gateway to the contemporary Italian literacy scene. Lessons are interactive and focus on the style of the chosen author and his/her use of language.

We will explore the author through portions of his/her works (a whole story, a chapter, a poem, etc) or interviews and additional materials. This will be a great opportunity to understand the Italian literary terms and the narrative of the script chosen.

According to the contents read and analyzes, we will work on the comprehension activities. Lastly, we will carry out a project related to an assignment or concept that arose during the reading session.

Course details

  • Lessons per week: 1 for 4 consecutive weeks
  • Lesson duration: 90 minutes
  • Levels: B1/B2
  • Classes: via Skype, Zoom or Google Meet
  • Teacher time zone: Italy
  • Lessons available to: adults
  • Group course: from 2 to 10 students
  • 35€ per meeting

I First meeting: Introduction about the author using excerpts of his/her work or interviews. This will provide an opportunity to understand Italian literary terms and the narrative of the chosen excerpts.focus on representing landscapes and scenes that are usually hard to reproduce, thus capturing those ethereal moments. The technological tools are the brushes that I use to illuminate the surreal elements of nature.

I Second-fourth meetings: We will use the material from the first lesson as the basis for a number of comprehension activities. This process will continue for the remaining 3 lessons, each lesson building on the previous lessons.

Let’s keep in touch;

I’d love to hear from you!